You walk towards the door slowly and unsure. Glancing up at the large home
before your fingers could touch. Peering in, your eyes gaze into the splendor
of this castle, as a room bright and well decorated appears before your
very eyes. Red and white rose buds in every vase, floors of white victorian
marble, and stair cases made of pure gold. Right ahead of you is a gentleman
staring at one of the paintings on the wall. He seems to be whispering
to someone, yet who could he be talking to? No one is in the room any where
in sight! Slowly you guide yourself behind him and reach to touch his slender
shoulder, nevertheless, before you could make your way to doing so he turns
around facing you with a surprise look.
"YOU!" he screams backing into the wall, "Wha.. wha.. what are you doing
here?!" He grabs hold of your shoulder tightly, and pulls to better look
behind you as the large door you entered through slams shut. You jump at
the unexpected noise and stare at the very unstable young man before you.
He gently lets go of your shoulder as he looks over you from head to toe.
"Now," he whips off your shoulder, "as I was saying. What are you and where
did you come from?" Glancing up at you he waits for the expected answers.
Before you could answers, he shakes his head and snarls, "Well, it doesn't
make a difference who you are," he glares down at the white tiled floor, "For any matter, you
should not be here! This is no a place for visitors."
"But . ." you start, and the man slowly forms a grin that would scare the
devil. The
man takes you by the shoulder gently and leads you to a court room. You
gaze around unable to believe your eyes at all the beautiful flowers. So
much more beautiful than when you first looked at the outside. You begin
to wonder how someone could be such a great decorator on the inside but
not the outside.
"Well, I have a feeling as to why you are here." The man grins again and
says quietly, "The treasure is what draws you here, as it does and did
to many in the past!" You smile knowing that the gentleman was true as
God himself. "Well, my dear friend, this type of treasure is more than
you are asking for! Are you positive you want to search it out?" You nod
quickly, smiling broad. The man lets out a sigh and stops walking, and
he turns to you gazing into the pits of your bright eyes. "In order to
understand what you are in search of," he pauses, but continues in a spark
of a heart beat, "you must read the journals of two young people. Two that
have alsodecided
to search for this treasure. They too didn't know what would come of them,
or what they may suffer and face. You will start the same way as they had."
His words send a small chill on your arms, but you ignore the feeling and
listen to his story carefully. He realized you were paying close attention
now, and started to walk again.
You run to catch up to him, and whisper, "Please, Sir go on with your tail."
He smiles broadly while stopping again suddenly before you.
"Since you are greatly willing to know," he smiles, "then you shall go
on with the rest of the story, but without any of my help. The only help
you have are the Castle's friends Lady Monique and Lord Matthew." You stare
at the man who had seem to age from the first time you noticed him. His
hair turning gray and wrinkles on his skin have formed. Shrugging it off,
you ask him where you can find these journals; he points a old finger to
a table nearest to you both. You take one more glance at him, then race
to table. One book says, "Lady Monique" and the next reads, "Lord Matthew"
You look to smile at the man, but find he has disappeared.
"What a strange man he was." You say as your eyes look down at the two
books before you. You sit down in the chair and scoot into the table, as
you pick up one of the books...
is now your choice to pick what
you would like to read.
the one you care to
first, and begin